Friday, June 10, 2011

Pametric Constraints

In this assignment, we need to make a shape using our dimensions. In better words, we used our old dimensions for others parts and equations to make need dimensions. For example, d0*(5/3) = d1. To make each circle and line, we used each dimension. I learn in this assigment that if you change one dimension, everything changes and at the same time using every dimension creates a nice object.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Isometric Shapes

               In this assignment we need to make 3D shapes. I used inventor to create each object. First, using standard ipt to create, squares, circles, rectangles, etc. After I created the shape, I used idw to show all the dimension in the object. In the end, I figure out how to create any shape in inventor and to use idw for any shape.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Driving Constraint
For this assigment. I need to use the inventor to create a simulation of a key opening. I used std.iam to create this driving constraint. I learn many new things. I learn how to rotate an object with another object. And learn how to mate anf flush things together. This is what I did for my project Driving Constraint.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Basic Constraints

Base Box
In this project, I was going to learn some new skills and steps to make a pop out block with shapes. I was lead with some directions. It help me understand what I have to do. I was able to understand everything much better. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

CAD Model Features

 In class, we were told to design some objects using inventor. I read a document stating all the steps to do. Each object I used a different step. For example for the thread, I need to make rolls on it. And for the coiled I used the function coil to make it look like a spring. In the end, we need to combined everything  into one to make the water bottle with the photo. Finally, I learned many new ways in inventor that I didn't know. Now I know what I make and use to make it.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Inventor of Puzzle Cube Project

 After finishing the puzzle cube project on paper, I needed to create it in a 3D way on inventor. I started by creating the combinations of each color piece on std.iam. Then with those 5 combinations, I united then into a cube o std.jpg. After that, I animate the combinations to showed how the process is to make the cube. I used std.ipn to animated and exploded the cube. Finally, I use std.idw to present the final product. In the end, I learn how to create a 2D image into a 3D image. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Perspective Sketches

In this project, I need to draw a perspective sketch. This drawing is different form others. It's drawn with different angles and views. It help me understand what ways to draw 3D pictures.