Sunday, January 30, 2011

Puzzle Design Challenge

This activity, I needed to make a cube, but first I need to figure out some combination's using 3,4,5,6 cubes. After doing that, I pick five figures to combine them to make one whole cube that is 3 inches by 3 inches. By doing this activity, I noticed that when you are inventing something, you need to use the design process. By using those steps, you can created anything you want.

Oblique Sketching

In this activity, I sketched some oblique drawings. They are drawings with an 45 degrees angle and with their side face pointing to you. After drawing and analyzing them, I answer some questions about them, which help me understand what oblique drawings are.

Research of History of Measurement

After finishing the power point of History of Measurement, I recorder what I did in my Engineering Notebook. I explain what websites I used and each step I did to do the power point. The picture on my right shows my work.

History of Measurement

In this project, I made a power point on the history of measurement. It talks about who invented measurement and how it's used thought out  the past. I also made a CD cover. On the front, I placed a photo of a ruler with the title of ''history of measurement'' and on the back, there are some questions I used for the power point. After this project, I learned how important measurements were and are.

Evolution of the CD player

In this activity, I was assigned to do a power point based on something that evolute thought the year. I decide to choose the CD player. The CD player made a difference in todays' world but nobody knows. It help create the i-pod, a device we used to listen to music anywhere we go. Finally, I learned how the CD player was created and the effects on society. It help me analyze how simple things make a whole difference in the world.

Beverage Container

Notebook for the Beverage Container
 Cup remodel

Prototype in inventor

In this activity,  we all were partner up to re-design a cup.We need to use the design process to change it. After  defining the problem, brainstorming, reasearching, identify, explore possiblilities, selecting an approach, develop a design proposal, model, test it, refine and create the final thing, our beverage container was design all over again but with new features: handles and a straw.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

21st Century Inventions

In this project, I was assigned to do a power point based on four inventions in the 21st century. I choose electric guitar, nylon, personal computer, and ball point pen. I research the background of them and the Creator of each invention. It made me understand how important an invention is and how hard it takes to create an invention.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Hi! My name is Cindy Solano and I will be using this blog as a portfolio for my Engineering Design class. I will be posting my projects and examples along with a brief description of what I did. Please check back to see my work!